originally published: 30 May 2021 | origin: https://www.omanobserver.om/article/1101592/business/unprecedented-19-decline-in-omans-power-demand-last-year Electricity consumption dipped a modest, but unprecedented, 1.9 percent to 33,156 gigawatt-hours...
originally published: 21 May 2021 | origin: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57205968 After 11 days of fighting, Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas...
originally published: 21 May 2021 | origin: https://www.npr.org/2021/05/21/999302436/the-bombing-has-stopped-but-pain-and-destruction-remain-in-gaza-city?t=1621804721967 After 11 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas, a cease-fire went...
originally published: 21 May 2021 | origin: https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/05/1092482 Speaking from Gaza, Matthias Schmale from the UN relief agency for Palestinians...
originally published: 03 April 2021 | origin: https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14428.doc.htm The Security Council underscored today the importance of addressing the conditions conducive...