Why the United Arab Emirates should be disqualified from EU Visa Waiver

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The EU has been one of the most prominent defenders and promoters of human rights globally. This EU approach has been reflected by its domestic as well as foreign policy, including by stressing the importance of human rights in its agreements with third parties.

Despite this EU approach, it has signed a visa-waiver program with the UAE in 2015 despite the long record of the country in human rights violations, including violations against migrant workers, its own nationals, as well as violations in other countries, such as torture and involvement in military activities that claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 civilians.

The UAE violations extend to committing financial crimes such as turning Dubai into a tax haven and engaging in money laundry, some of which is used to finance terrorism. In light of this, the EU is urged to reconsider its agreement with the UAE and to terminate the waiver program with the UAE to further assert its commitment to promoting and protecting human rights. This includes assuring protecting women rights, political dissidents, migrant workers, refugees, Europeans, and minorities.

The EU is urged to set more transparent means in its dealing with the UAE including its financial dealings. The EU is urged to reconsider its visa waiver program with the UAE until it abides by the EY general guidelines in relation to human rights.

Research Staff

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